Jerry Norman
Heremaia Hopihana Romana (Jerry Hobson Norman) Ngāti Kurī Advisor to Te Mana o Te Rangitāhua Ko Taikoria, ko Tahirirangi, Ko Kurahaupo nga waka, Ko Maunga Piko, ko Kohuroa, ko Tohoraha, ko Tohu Reo, ko Ngā Rereata ngā maunga, Ko Rangitāhua, ko Ohau, ko Moekawa, ko Manawatāwhi, ko Oromaki ngā motu, Ko Takapaukura, ko Kapo […]
Papahuia Dickson

Papahuia Dickson Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui, Te Whakatōhea Executive Centre Support Papahuia Dickson is an Independent Contractor, who specialises in providing administrative support. She is currently coordinating the dissemination activities for the research project ‘He Oranga Ngākau’, which is overseen by Professor Leonie Pihama. Papahuia previously worked for the University of Waikato for 7 […]
Therese Gallagher
Therese Gallagher Research Adminstrator
Ruia Aperahama

Ruia Aperahama Pou Arahi Ruia is an accomplished musician, singer, composer and visual artist and has produced a number of albums and art pieces dedicated to his passion for Te Reo Māori. His other passion is education for over 20 years teaching from new entrants to adult education. Ruia grew up with his father, Rāpine […]
Walter Wells

Walter Wells Ngāti Kuri, Te Rarawa, Ngapuhi & Ngatiwai. Duputy Chair, Senior Advisor He is the eldest grandson of Taharanga and Harriet Wells (nee Joseph) and Henry and Hinemoa Cassidy (nee Eruera Wheoki) and the eldest son of Walter and Evelyn Wells. Born in Auckland and raised and educated in Whangarei he graduated with a […]
Sheridan Watai
Sheridan Watai Ngāti Kurī, Te Rarawa & Tanui Executive Trustee, Research Lead, Advisor Sheridan Waitai has a heart for home, and loves being with our whanau, doing things that bring joy. She has been and avid supporter and enabler for Nga Tangata o Te Hopua Wai – Community Gardens and is thankful for the […]
Tammy Tauroa
Tammy Tauora Ngāti Kurī Centre Director & Trustee Tū ake ki te tihi o tōku Maunga Piko, he tirohanga whānui ki ngā tai e ngunguru ana. Rere atu ai ngā whakaaro, ngā roimata o te aroha ki a rātou kua wehe ki tua. Hoki mai ki ā tātou me ngā moemoeā ki waenganui ki tēnā, ki […]