Pūpū Whakarongotauā

Pūpūwhakarongo taua also known as Pūpū Korari or Pūpū Harakeke is a highly endangered tāonga species endemic to te rohe a Ngāti Kuri. Closely related but different pūpū species occur on Manawatāwhi and in southern parts of Northland within the Ngati Wai rohe.
Kauri Conservation

Te Mana o Rangitāhua is a five-year (2020-2025) Ministry of Business, Innovation, Employment (MBIE) Endeavour-funded research programme led by Ngāti Kuri in partnership with Auckland Museum. Through this research, we will transform environmental wellbeing practices for Aotearoa through Indigenous practices of reconnecting, reidentifying, and restorying within a subtropical island ecosystem that is a bellwether for climate change.
Ngā Rākau Taketake

The overall research aim focuses on Ngāti Kuri-led initiatives for the conservation of two tāonga endemic to the rohe of Ngāti Kuri – Rātā Moehau (Metrosideros bartlettii) and Kahikā Rangitāhua (Metrosideros kermadecensis).
Te Mana o Rangitāhua

Te Mana o Rangitāhua is a five-year (2020-2025) Ministry of Business, Innovation, Employment (MBIE) Endeavour-funded research programme led by Ngāti Kuri in partnership with Auckland Museum. Through this research, we will transform environmental wellbeing practices for Aotearoa through Indigenous practices of reconnecting, reidentifying, and restorying within a subtropical island ecosystem that is a bellwether for climate change.
Kaikomako Manawatāwhi

This project will develop a restoration and repatriation plan for Kaikōmako on Manawatāwhi back to the island.