John Kearns

John Kearns Ngāti Kurī Trustee Ko Kurahaupō te Waka Ko Pōhurihanga te Tangata Ko Kohuroa te Maunga Ko Pārengarenga te Wahapū Ko Te Hiku o Te Ika te marae Ko Te Reo Mihi te Whare Tupuna Ko Ngāti Kuri te iwi Ko Te Ringa Maui te Hapu. Tēnā tatou katoa, I am the youngest son […]

Donna Smith

Donna Marie Smith Ngāti Kurī Trustee My name is Donna Marie Smith, I am 43 years old and live in Awanui.  My Father is Tapihana Rollo and my Mother is Mere Rollo of Ngataki.  I am married and have 2 children, aged 15 and 10. I have a 20 year background in Banking and Finance […]

Charlie Sucich

Charlie Sucich, Te Ara Whānui

Charlie Sucich Ngāti Kurī, Ngāti Kahu Trustee Ko te mea tuatahi, ka tuku i te reo whakawhetai ki a Ihoa mō wāna manaakitanga maha. Ko te mea tuarua ka tuku mihi ki ngā tini mate, haere e ngā mate, hoki atu ki te kainga tūturū mo tātou katoa. E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e […]

Abbey Brown

Abbey Brown Ngāti Kurī Trustee Ko Puhurihanga te Tangata Ko Kura Haupo te Waka Ko Parengarenga te Wa Hapu Ko Waitiki te Awa Ko Kohuroa Naki me Maunga Piko nga Maunga Ko Ringa Maui te Hapu Ko Te Hapua te Kainga Ko Ngāti Kuri te Iwi I am the son of the late Bill and Te […]

Walter Wells

Te Ara Whānui, Walter Wells

Walter Wells Ngāti Kuri, Te Rarawa, Ngapuhi & Ngatiwai. Duputy Chair, Senior Advisor He is the eldest grandson of Taharanga and Harriet Wells (nee Joseph) and Henry and Hinemoa Cassidy (nee Eruera Wheoki) and the eldest son of Walter and Evelyn Wells. Born in Auckland and raised and educated in Whangarei he graduated with a […]

Graeme Neho

Te ara Whānui Trustee, Graeme Neho

Graeme Neho Trustee Graeme is married with 3 children and grandchildren. He is fluent in Te Reo and has worked in tribal polictics since 1994. He has trade experience in carpentry and sadlery and is presently farming beef cattle on 240 hectares. Educated at Te Hapua Primary, Kaitaia Primary and Kaitaia College.

Sheridan Watai

Sheridan Watai Ngāti Kurī, Te Rarawa & Tanui Executive Trustee, Research Lead, Advisor Sheridan Waitai has a heart for home, and loves being with our whanau, doing things that bring joy. She has been and avid supporter and enabler for Nga Tangata o Te Hopua Wai – Community Gardens and is thankful for the […]

Tammy Tauroa

Tammy Tauora Ngāti Kurī Centre Director & Trustee Tū ake ki te tihi o tōku Maunga Piko, he tirohanga whānui ki ngā tai e ngunguru ana. Rere atu ai ngā whakaaro, ngā roimata o te aroha ki a rātou kua wehe ki tua. Hoki mai ki ā tātou me ngā moemoeā ki waenganui ki tēnā, ki […]

Lance Norman

Te Ara Whānui Truestee

Lance Norman Ngāti Kurī Trustee Ko Kurahaupō te waka,Ko Maunga Piko te maunga,Ko Awaroa te awa,Ko Te Hiku ō te Ika me Waiora ngā marae,Ko Ngāti Kuri te Iwi,Ko Te Aupōuri, ko Ngāi Takoto, ko Ngāti Kahu, ko Te Rarawa,ko Ngāpuhi, ko Ngāti Whātua aku Iwi hokiKo Jerry Norman tōku pāpāKo Fay Norman (nee Tapp) […]