Ko te mea tuatahi, ka tuku i te reo whakawhetai ki a Ihoa mō wāna manaakitanga maha.
Ko te mea tuarua ka tuku mihi ki ngā tini mate, haere e ngā mate, hoki atu ki te kainga tūturū mo tātou katoa.
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā raurangatira mā, tēna koutou, tēna koutou, tēna koutou kotoa.
Ko Maunga Piko me Kotipū ōku Maunga.
Ko Kurahaupo me Mamaru ōku Waka.
Ko Pōhurihanga me Parata ōku Tangata.
Ko Pārengarenga me Tokerau ōku Moana.
Ko Waitiki me Mangataiore ōku Awa.
Ko Te Hiku O Te Ika me Piri Ki Te Paatu ōku Marae.
Ko Pohotiare me Te Paatu ōku Hapū.
Ko Ngati-Kuri me Ngati-Kahu ōku Iwi.
Ko Charlie Sucich ahau, the youngest son of Mate and Jewel Sucich I was born in Kaitaia and raised in Te Hapua. I attended Te Hapua Maori School from new entrants (Primer 1) through to year 8 (Form 2), continuing onto Taipa Area School for secondary education completing my final year 13 (Form 7) at Kaitaia College. I proceeded onto Auckland University studying for two years in the Engineering field. I have followed this path in my present employment as a Project Manager for Dominion Constructors Ltd. My wife Inano (nee Tavita) the daughter of Mauri and Neta Tavita (nee Norman) and I have four children who love spending as much time as possible with their Mama Jewel. I am a current member of the Ngāti Kuri Trust Board and I am standing for re-election this year. I will endeavour to the best of my abilities to help fellow Board members strive to attain the best possible outcomes for our Iwi.
My vision for the future of Ngāti Kuri is empowering our rangatahi through the development of employment opportunities in our rohe, creating leaders through both professional and personal development, to promote Kaitiakitanga, taking responsibility for our environment, and the sustainable use of all iwi assets. Mana Whenua, exercising customary authority over our rohe. Whanaungatanga, strengthening our connection with each other. Tika, doing things right, being open, accountable and transparent. Aroha, treating people with love and respect. Pono, act with dignity, honesty and integrity. Kotahitanga, working together. To increase Ngāti Kuri tino rangatiratanga, including control over all assets and resources of our rohe, To ensure that all assets under Ngāti Kuri control are effectively managed by Ngāti Kuri as kaitiaki, for the benefit and wellbeing of current and future generations.
Nō reira tēna koutou, tēna koutou,
tēna tātou katoa.