There are a number of key values, principles and practices that shape Ngāti Kuri views of the environment and approach to research. Within the Environmental plan Ngāti Kuri Trust Board have also developed a list of priority outcomes. Critical to the implementation of ‘Ara’ within this work programme is engagement with and involvement of haukāinga at all levels of the research programme, including design, data collection, interpretation and synthesis, and dissemination. This engagement supports the organic development of knowledge and understanding between local communities and scientists, enabling a framework focused on mutual learning and embedding mana enhancing principles of reciprocity, partnership and participation.
There are a number of key values, principles and practices that shape Ngāti Kuri views of the environment and approach to research. Within the Environmental plan Ngāti Kuri Trust Board have also developed a list of priority outcomes. Critical to the implementation of ‘Ara’ within this work programme is engagement with and involvement of haukāinga at all levels of the research programme, including design, data collection, interpretation and synthesis, and dissemination. This engagement supports the organic development of knowledge and understanding between local communities and scientists, enabling a framework focused on mutual learning and embedding mana enhancing principles of reciprocity, partnership and participation.
Te Ara Whānui – The Many Pathways is a strategic level concept designed to support Ngāti Kuri aspirations for environmental enhancement, biodiversity protection and a sustainable visitor industry that is connected to the people of Te Hiku o Te Ika and their histories.
Te Ara Whānui includes three priority components for investment:
Te Ara Whānui as an emerging Research Centre aligns with this vision and has a deliberate and intentional approach to integrate research to include Rangitāhua and Manawatāwhi in the investment portfolios over the next 12 months. All research programmes, activities and pathways will align to the three areas of interest within this strategic flight path.
While programmes and ideas will be diverse and focus or place emphasis on specific WAI262 principles all Ngāti Kuri research will generate an upswell of new knowledge, data and information that will transform our practices and support our kaitiakitanga across all areas.