Chelsea Brown-Gurnick

Chelsea Brown-Gurnick

Ngāti Kuri, Uri of Te Ngake

4th Gen Founding Member

Born and raised in Te Hopua Wai and a proud descendant of Ngāti Kuri, uri of Te Ngake.  She has a  sstrong connections to these lands that predate the great waka migration of 750, Chelsea is devoted to the protection and restoration of Taonga and their repatriation back to our whenua. She is leading the restoration of Kaikomako Manawatāwhi  and her goal is to ensure Kaikomako is returned to  the islands in abundance.  Chelsea is a founding member of 4th Gen and her reason for doing the mahi – is to restore what is lost and to protect what we have in our rohe. The establishment of 4th Gen has enabled her to execute her aspirations for her people and whenua. Chelsea is conscious that she walks in the footsteps of her tupuna and is continuing their mahi. She is the connection that 4th Gen is a part of the haukainga of Te Hopua Wai and ensuring that she is bringing her people with her.