Pūpūwhakarongo taua also known as Pūpū Korari or Pūpū Harakeke...
Te Mana o Rangitāhua is a five-year (2020-2025) Ministry of Business, Innovation, Employment (MBIE) Endeavour-funded research programme led by Ngāti Kuri in partnership with Auckland Museum. Through this research, we will transform environmental wellbeing practices for Aotearoa through Indigenous practices of reconnecting, reidentifying, and restorying within a subtropical island ecosystem that is a bellwether for climate change.
Te Mana o Rangitāhua as a research project recognises all tangible and intangible links between people, the environment and tāonga. Multiple viewpoints are considered within the project that reflect our expertise and the overall research position and vision. It will enable the restorying of its cultural, biodiversity, scientific and geographical prominence. We will develop methods and knowledge to ensure the mauri and kaitiakitanga of Rangitāhua’s ecosystems. Ultimately, the research will bring balance to Rangitāhua’s narrative by reconnecting, reidentifying and restorying Rangitāhua for Ngāti Kuri and the people of Aotearoa.
It will enable us to identify how we as a nation can understand what we need to do to preserve and protect one of the most special places in the world.
To transform Aotearoa’s environmental stewardship and leadership through an indigenous-led research programme for Rangitāhua. Rangitāhua will be understood as a site of cultural, biological and environmental significance to Ngāti Kuri, Aotearoa and the Southwest Pacific. Te Mana o Rangitāhua will be an internationally recognised example of indigenous governance and holistic ecosystem management.
To generate new models of understanding to safeguard Rangitāhua’s ecosystems, promote resilience and wellbeing, and create platforms for ecological reform.
Te Mana o Rangitāhua is based on a high-trust and enduring partnership with iwi and the science community that has been established by Ngāti Kuri and Auckland Museum.
Ngāti Kuri Trust Board, Ngāti Kuri
Ngāti Kuri, Te Ara Whānui Research Centre
Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Auckland Museum
Ngāti Kuri, Te Ara Whānui
Research Centre
Head of Natural Sciences,
Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland Museum
Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Auckland Museum
Te Rarawa, Ngāti Kahu
Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui,
Te Whakatōhea
Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Auckland Museum
Ngāti Kuri, Te Ara Whānui
Research Centre
Ngāti Kuri
Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Auckland Museum
Ngāti Kuri
Ngāti Kuri, Raoul Island Logistics Ranger, Te Papa Atawhai DOC
Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Auckland Museum
Associate Professor, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa Massey University
Marine Ecology
Avifauna Researcher, Northern
New Zealand Seabird Trust
Seabird Ecology
Curator of Archaeology, Tāmaki
Paenga Hira Auckland Museum
Associate Professor, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa Massey University,
Marine Ecology
Professor, Waipapa Taumata
Rau University of Auckland
Terrestrial Ecology
Curator of Land Vertebrates, Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland Museum
Avian Ecology
Professor, Waipapa Taumata
Rau University of Auckland,
Marine Invertebrates
Coastal Physicist, Taihoro
Nukurangi NIWA
Senior Researcher, Manaaki
Whenua Landcare Research
Forest Ecology
Principal Scientist, Taihoro
Nukurangi NIWA
Marine Phycology
Project Curator in Natural Sciences,
Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland Museum
Terrestrial and Avian Ecology
Senior Lecturer, Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland
Marine Ecology
Associate Professor, Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland
Marine Mammals
Marine Biologist, Taihoro Nukurangi NIWA
Marine Phycology
Te Papa Atawhai
Department of Conservation
Lecturer, Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau Auckland University of Technology
Terrestrial Invertebrates
Department of Conservation
Department of Conservation
Department of Conservation
Climate change adaptation action plan
Department of Conservation
National Environmental Priorities
Te Mana o te Taiao Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy 2020
Jaqui Gibson
$1.2m predator-proof fence planned by Northland iwi to protect endemic species
This project will develop a restoration and repatriation plan for...