
Victoria Brown

Ngāti Kuri

Research Administrator

Ko Puhurihanga te Tangata

Ko Kura Haupo te Waka

Ko Parengarenga te Moana

Ko Waitiki te Awa

Ko Maunga Piko te Maunga

Ko Te Hapua te Kainga

Ko Ngati Kuri te Iwi

Ko Renata Waenga tōku papa

Ko Riana Waenga (nee Maaka) tōku māmā

Ko Victoria Brown taku ingoa

I was employed at Whakawhiti Ora Pai a Maori Medical Community Clinic, in Health Promotion    Vision: Wellbeing for all through empowerment and Mission:  To build on the strengths of whanau to achieve Whanau Ora in their health and wellbeing.

I am happy to say that I done my mahi for the whanau/communities and feel complete within that mahi.

Am now currently working for Ngati Kuri as Project and Financial Coordinator in the Nga Puna Te Haumihi and Projects teams.

My vision is to see the future of our rangatahi become leaders within the Taiao space and to pass their learnings and knowledge on to the many up and coming mokopuna.  Our Moana, Whenua and Rangi will need that forever tiaki, and I believe that it is our own that will know how to awhi there Whenua. 

From Health and Wellbeing of our people to Health and Wellbeing of our Whenua.