Abbey Brown
Abbey Brown: 4th Gen Founding Member Whatungarongaro te tangata toitū te whenua! Abbey is a ringa raupa and is committed to contributing to the wellbeing of our whenua and moana for the future generations. Abbey is a safe pair of hands out on the whenua, actively managing safety for those doing field work. He is […]
James-Ahikaroa Cherrington
James-Ahikaroa Cherrington 4th Gen Founding Member James was born and raised in Te Hiku o te Ika in his younger years, then went off to school in America. He has travelled and worked around the world playing rugby but has always returned to Ngati Kuri whanau and whenua and taking on Mahi aroha work. James […]
Thomas Hvid
Thomas Hvid 4th Gen Founding Member He iti hoki te mokorua nāna i kakati te kahikatoa the mokorua maybe small but it cuts through tea tree Born and raised in Houhora, with a huge love for the Whenua in the Ngati Kuri rohe. Thomas is passionate about making sure our ngahere, whenua and people are […]
Dallas Cherrington
Dallas Cherrington 4th Gen Founding Member Dallas is the Hunter in the whanau 4th Gen and in his final year at university studying Accountancy. He is one of the youngest of the 4th Gen, ensuring everyone is safe and licenced to undertake any work out in the field. 4th gen as a group of Ngati […]
Christie Beard
Christie Beard 4th Gen Founding Member Christie (Kutae) was born and raised in Kaitaia then heading off to study nursing. She is a Paediatric nurse at Starship Hospital and mother of Naia. She returns home regularly to help with 4th Gen kaupapa. She also spends time at Auckland Museum supporting Ngati Kuri Kaupapa and being […]
Kredence Brown
Kredence Brown Ngāti Kuri 4th Gen Founding Member Te amorangi ki mua, te hapai ō ki muri. Kredence is the essence of this whakatauki. As the youngest of her siblings, Kredence embodies the confidence, strength and resilience of her Tūpuna. With a strong conviction of being from Ngāti Kuri the descendants of Te Ngake she […]
Chelsea Brown-Gurnick
Chelsea Brown-Gurnick Ngāti Kuri, Uri of Te Ngake 4th Gen Founding Member Born and raised in Te Hopua Wai and a proud descendant of Ngāti Kuri, uri of Te Ngake. She has a sstrong connections to these lands that predate the great waka migration of 750, Chelsea is devoted to the protection and restoration of […]
Hine Watai-Dye
Hine Waitai-Dye 4th Gen Founding Member, Taiao team Hine has been studying Waka building at the New Zealand Māori Institute of Arts and Crafts, and she wishes to continue this mahi as well as her work as a Tā Moko artist her upbringing in Te Taitokerau has informed her strong knowledge of Mātauranga Toi. Hine […]
Abbey Brown
Abbey Brown Ngāti Kurī Trustee Ko Puhurihanga te Tangata Ko Kura Haupo te Waka Ko Parengarenga te Wa Hapu Ko Waitiki te Awa Ko Kohuroa Naki me Maunga Piko nga Maunga Ko Ringa Maui te Hapu Ko Te Hapua te Kainga Ko Ngāti Kuri te Iwi I am the son of the late Bill and Te […]